Predictable Propaganda
Posted: Tuesday, September 2, 2003

A Nation On the Brink of Civil War
In Iraq, they go for the jugular: two weeks ago, the UN's top man, last week one of the most influential Shia Muslim clerics. As they used to say in the Lebanese war, if enough people want you dead, you'll die.

The worst of times

Bush pals hired to rewrite Iraqi law

Inside Karl Rove's Diary: "Things Aren't Going So Well"

Bush was all too willing to use émigrés' lies

Iraqi Liberation, Bush Style
Now that American-British lies and distortions about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and al-Qaida links have been thoroughly exposed, Bush administration officials have had to create new rationalizations for the Iraq war.

Predictable Propaganda
In a low monotonous voice, the BBC's terrorism expert stated that "foreign terrorists" were streaming into Iraq [1]. This is very likely another fabricated story, created to justify naming the resistance against the US occupation of Iraq as "terrorism". Furthermore, the death toll is increasing gradually, and the lies about that are increasing apace.

Glimmers of hope:
Time to wake up from the Bush nightmare?

Flashback Poor intelligence?
Why CIA failed in plans for Iraq coup

Flashback Sharon is a punk, says ambassador

Mad Men Across The Desert
Dead men walking, that is what our troops in Iraq have become not to mention the Iraqi natives. Slow poison death in the heat of the Iraqi desert, where dust particles are in the plenty which just happens to be radioactive courtesy of the United States and British governments'.

Dead UK Scientist Had No History of Depression

Ministers in Iraq's first post-war cabinet named
But the ministers will have little real power. That will remain in the hands of Paul Bremer, the US administrator, and the American occupation authority.

Number of Wounded in Action on Rise

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