Dossier did not correspond with reality
Posted: Monday, September 1, 2003

US attacked over green card soldiers
Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers
are not US citizens

Unless The White House Abandons Its Fantasies
Civil War Will Consume The Iraqi Nation

Dossier did not correspond with reality

Flashback British Dossier on Iraq Scandal

Iraqi council demands US loosen its grip

Iraqi history is back

UNITED STATES: Food fight bully targets Third World
The decision by the US administration to sue the European Union over its moratorium on genetically modified (GM) foods before the World Trade Organisation (WTO) may be aimed less at the EU than at developing countries, which are far more vulnerable to strong-arm tactics.

Would You Believe, or Get Dummy

Personifying evil is a dangerous Bush strategy
On July 31, U.S. arms control diplomat John Bolton bashed North Korean leader Kim Jong Il as "a tyrannical dictator" who "keeps hundreds of thousands of his people locked in prison camps with many more mired in abject poverty scrounging the ground for food." The statement is probably true, so why make a big deal of it? Because personification of evil is how President Bush sells his wars of choice.

What Was Mossad Doing In Najaf
One Week Before The Bombing?

Egyptian Government Daily Al-Ahram:
The US Is Behind The Najaf Bombing

Iraqi quits council in security protest

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