Lights, Camera, Exploitation
Posted: Thursday, August 28, 2003

50 Yrs After the CIA's First Overthrow
of a Democratically Elected Government

War is a Racket

Billions, Trillions, Who Cares?
For those of us who balance our checkbooks to the penny, government finance exists on another planet. Thanks to the institution of central banking, and the ability of the economy to generate unfathomable amounts of money for the tax state, we read daily headlines announcing figures in the billions and trillions. To us mere mortals with mortgages and electrical bills, these figures are darn near meaningless.

Flashback Lights, Camera, Exploitation
In the end 9-11 turned out to be a made-for-TV movie, or rather, the basis for one-a shameless propaganda vehicle for our superstar president George W. Bush.

Shooting Ali in the Back
Why the Pacification is Doomed

If you want to know why the U.S. campaign to pacify Iraq and make the country into a docile puppet state is doomed to failure, just look at what happened to 17-year-old Ali Muhsin.

Collective Self-Deception
The Most Common Mistakes of Israelis

Palestine: What's Really Going On

U.S. soliders marry Iraqi women against orders

U.S. questions prewar intelligence
> The global war on terror is a smokescreen
> used by governments to wipe out opponents.
¥ The U.S slso used to war channel funds to party supporters e.g...

Halliburton, Bechtel Win More Iraq Deals

Iraq set to swallow up countless billions as costs soar

Building the coalition of the unwilling
When US forces swept through Iraq and toppled a tyrannical regime, the Bush administration's self-confidence was boundless. Secretary of State Colin Powell declared with a stern face that France would be punished for opposing the US invasion of Iraq, while refusing to elaborate on the exact nature of that punishment.

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