Dubious Dossier Fueled Bush Deceits
Posted: Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Grassroots Democracy in Iraq, American Style
"Perhaps we made too many suggestions. Perhaps they didn't like our suggestions," said Majid, struggling to find an explanation. "Or perhaps this is democracy, American-style. In any case, what can we do? They are the occupiers and we are the occupied."

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It would be clear to competent historians that you had not written a "definitive biography," and that you don't know what "know" means. You would be a laughingstock

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Dubious Dossier Fueled Bush Deceits
For the most part, American media is doing a lousy job of following the British investigation of how Blair and his aides spun the case for war with Iraq. Hopefully, that will change this week, as Blair takes the stand in the inquiry. After all, the story of official deceit in Britain is also the story of official deceit in the United States.

Liars couldn't expect flowers
after bombs and occupation

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