Gunpoint Democracy in Iraq
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2003

Forced To Beg, Buy Or Borrow

Osama, Saddam, Wars, Terrorism, and the US
Who Outwitted Whom?

Time has moved on since 9-11, two years approximately now, and yet in looking back at all that has happened one cannot wonder just who seems to have come out on top in all of this amongst all the sides involved whether it be inadvertently or otherwise

Boutros Ghali lambasts pliant UN
The UN is in crisis because it is seen as little more than an American appendage, two of the organisation's most senior former leaders have warned.

Flashback Unprovoked Attack on the UN in Iraq?
Ask the Iraqis!

That the UN should be targeted might come as a bit of surprise, but the reality is that for most Iraqis the UN is not entirely the just and well-meaning world organization it might be for most westerners (except those Americans, of course, who either hate it, laugh at it or dismiss it). There is a cruel logic -- Iraqis may say justice -- behind the attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad. The UN was just never there for them!

The Real Winners

War Isn't Hell.
Even a lame brain like GW stated, during the campaign against Gore, that entering a war without an exit strategy is unacceptable. Of course, whoever wrote that for him must have been on vacation while GW misled us into Iraq.

46 dead, 150 hurt as blasts rock Mumbai

On Defensive in Baghdad, U.S. Forces Are Uneasy

A Weapons Cache We'll Never See
Some 1,500 American investigators are scouring the Iraqi countryside for evidence of weapons of mass destruction that has so far eluded them. Known as the Iraq Survey Group and operating under the supervision of a former United Nations weapons inspector, David Kay, they are searching mostly for documents that will help them assemble a clear, if somewhat circumstantial, case that Iraq had or intended to have programs to produce prohibited weapons.

The US left picking up the pieces

I Fear Things are Going Badly
I have to admit that I was wrong. The invasion of Iraq by the United States is not as bad an idea as I thought it was. It's worse.

Gunpoint Democracy in Iraq
The United States is now a formal colonial power in Iraq, and the combination of the Administration's deceptions and the mounting American casualties has dimmed the shine on the colonialists' boots. In March and April, public support for the war was in the neighborhood of 75 percent; by the end of July, it had fallen below 60 percent.

Saving Face, Losing a War
Bring 'em on," the man said. He is not a brave man, but he plays one on television. When it came his turn to fight in a war, he hid behind Daddy. Then he had another drink and hid from the National Guard. Then he had another drink.

World balks at growing Iraq perils

Ashcroft's Lack Of Credibility

American censure demonstrates bias

The end of reason

Kagame accused of manipulating fear to win new term as Rwandan leader
¥ Not much different from what Bush is doing in America.

Bush uses crises to push preset agenda

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