The Bush Deceit
Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2003

US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower

U.S. Apologizes for Sparking Baghdad Protest
The U.S. Army said on Thursday it had apologized for provoking furious protests in a Baghdad slum neighborhood, but Shi'ite residents vowed more violence unless American troops withdrew from the district.

Shiites Demand U.S. Troops Leave Baghdad
¥Get out, get out, get out......

Major power outage hits New York, other large cities

The Iraq War Could Become The Greatest Defeat
In U.S. History

The Bush/Cheney administration's military invasion of Iraq could become the greatest military defeat in United States' history. U.S. troops are being attacked daily by increasingly diverse forces in a chaotic guerrilla war. Since the U.S. and Britain did a preemptive invasion of Iraq against the advice and vocal opposition of most of the nations and peoples of the world, it presents a tremendous problem in getting any help from those who "told us so".

Terrorists Sprouting Under Nose of American Troops?

British Soldier Killed, Two Wounded in Iraq

Relentless Iraqi Heat Becoming Fatal
Thousands die in European heat wave

The Bush Deceit

White House Fantasies on Iraq
Someday, in the months ahead, there may be an Iraq where a smoothly run American occupation authority has dealt devastating setbacks to terrorism, brought security to most of the country, improved infrastructure and basic services, and elicited encouraging signs of democracy, economic renewal and cultural rebirth. Unfortunately, right now that Iraq exists only in the pages of the implausibly upbeat 100-day progress report recently issued by the White House.

65 killed as violence erupts in Afghanistan

Al-Qaeda 'hates Iran as much as it hates the US'

Destabilize and prevail

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