A war fought under false pretences
Posted: Wednesday, August 13, 2003

The bully whines
Whenever hard-line Israelis and their American apologists decide to discredit and discount Palestinian suffering while exonerating the abuses and oppressive measures of the Israeli occupation, the first charge levied against Palestinian spokespersons is that of "whining."

Bremer Says U.S. Troops Are 'Not Sitting Ducks'
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Questions for Condoleezza
Just as significant is that there was not a single reference in her set speech about Saddam trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Before the war, Rice said, "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." The scary vision of mushroom clouds was repeated by Bush and General Tommy Franks, head of Central Command. Vice President Dick Cheney declared Saddam to be a "mortal threat" on his way to "nuclear blackmail."

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