Radically different from the truth
Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2003

The Bush Administration, Civil Rights and Iraq
Like the colonialism of past centuries, the drive for power and profit is cloaked in words of morality. The western powers used to go in and Christianize the natives, now we bring them western democracy--a concept that is a figment of someone's imagination, much like western civilization

The 'Big Impact' Is One More Weapon of Mass Deception
Just as "shock and awe" was intended to stun the Iraqi military into submission, "big impact" is designed to have a similar effect on journalists and pundits. It sounds impressive, but its substance is simply an effort to deflect attention away from the administration's continuing failure to find any of the weapons of mass destruction that it claimed Saddam Hussein was stockpiling inside Iraq. The administration needs more time - six months, they're saying - before we should expect to see any proof of WMDs, the so-called 'big impact.'.

The dossier is damned again
Iraq dossier blow for Blair
Murky world of intelligence laid bare in the public gaze
Senior intelligence officers expressed dossier doubts

With eyes wide shut

Iraq: Invasion That Will Live in Infamy
President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair underscored their contempt for international law and institutions at their Azores summit meeting on the eve of the invasion. They issued an ultimatum, not to Iraq, but to the Security Council: capitulate, or we will invade without your meaningless seal of approval. And we will do so whether or not Saddam Hussein and his family leave the country. (3) The crucial principle is that the US must effectively rule Iraq.

Bush perfects the art of the false impression

The Incantations of Empire
Myth and Denial in the War on Terrorism

It dies hard. It dies very hard. The notion that terrorist acts against the United States can be explained by envy and irrational hatred, and not by what the United States does in and to the world -- i.e., US foreign policy -- is alive and well.

Radically different from the truth
You'd think that the liberal press would have connected all those phony dots before the invasion, and set out to pound the truth repeatedly into our heads until a little of it penetrated. But you would be wrong. The editors and TV producers were waiting for validation from official reports, investigative findings, judicial rulings, testimony before Congress, and so on. Without that, serious and responsible attention simply could not be paid.
All of which is bullshit of purest ray serene.

Take this jobless recovery and shove it
In the larger scheme of President Bush's agenda, it's people like me who don't really matter. And why would I? I'm no CEO of a big monied corporation. I'm neither a fundraiser nor a politico. It's worse – I'm unemployed. While the President is horseback-riding around his Crawford, Texas ranch during his month-long hiatus, my fellow unemployeds and I try to land the job of today, rather than the job of our dreams. That's what happens when you're out of work – you take the measly scraps and wait for the steak dinner.

Relax, It Was All a Pack of Lies

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