U.S: Fighting a war of error
Posted: Saturday, August 2, 2003

Saddam Hussein: Taking out the CIA's trash
A few years ago, a friend visiting the United States from Switzerland remarked upon what she viewed as one of the more conspicuous American personality quirks: Americans often seem to possess absolutely no curiosity when it comes to history -- not their own or that of the world at large. How can Americans make informed opinions, she mused, when they have no stomach for history, politics, or current events? My Swiss friend found this incomprehensible -- not only incomprehensible, but dangerous.

Killing Saddam: A summer blockbuster

Meet the Real WMD Fabricator
¥ The U.S still has to accept responsibility for using the fabrications

It turns out that they thought the Iraq game was over, when it was only the fifth inning. The war did not bring order to Iraq, but chaos, not crowds of cheering Iraqis, but widespread hostility. "No to Saddam! No to Bush!" were the signs, as Iraqis contemplated their ruined historic treasures, their destroyed homes, and the graves of their dead - thousands and thousands of civilians and soldiers, with many more men, women, children wounded.

Not over and not won

How the war was spun

The Real Saudi Ties are U.S. Ties

Attacks Intensify In Western Iraq
Hussein's Sons Buried; U.S. Soldier Killed
U.S. Forces Shoot Iraqi Woman After Bomb Attack
UK soldier sleeps in fridge to escape Iraq heat
More than 100 US soldiers in Iraq struck with pneumonia

What's Driving the Liberian Bloodbath
As a review of Liberian-U.S. ties will show, America's special relationship is based on its using Liberia's resources to advance its security interests, and for economic gain.

Pictures from Death's Other Side
George W. Bush's current adventure in Iraq began with a missile fired wildly into a Baghdad neighborhood, based, the president told us, on "darn good intelligence" that Saddam Hussein was on the premises.

Washington cries wolf
A threat is all in the wording
> The fact that the US Government would issue an advisory like that
> without telling one of its closest allies makes you wonder,
Fighting the war on error

MoD tried to burn Kelly 'media plan'

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