Set aside the myths, and what remains?
Posted: Friday, August 1, 2003

US slammed for human rights abuses

U.S soldiers doling out
"Dirty Harry" style vigilante justice

At the checkpoint, the Americans found a handgun, ordered the 56-year-old man out of his car and proceeded to bash his head with a rifle butt.

Be patient, weapons expert tells inquiry
¥ It takes time to plant evidence....
US expert promises WMD 'surprises'

Flashback: Oil-Hungry U.S. Reconsiders Iraq

America helped ruin Liberia. Now it must help repair it

Set aside the myths, and what remains?

A Trilogy of Dysfunction
When Sharon complains of Palestinian violence ("terrorism"), it is presented as an act of will and gratuitous cruelty, entirely unprovoked and totally unrelated to the fact and brutal policies of the Israeli occupation.

Israel's fresh limit on Palestinians

China Getting Ready for Severe Blitzkrieg
Many experts say that the North Korean conflict is not a conflict between Pyongyang and Washington, but a large-scale diplomatic game between China and the USA with a view of gaining control over the Korean Peninsula

US Moves to Close Down Al-Jazeera TV
The unprecedented dispute between an Anglo-American occupation authority supposedly dedicated to "democracy" in Iraq and an Arab station once praised by Washington for its services to free speech in the Arab world comes at a time when the US administration appears to be laying the ground work to close down Al-Jazeera's operations in Iraq --along with those of the Arabia channel --for alleged "incitement to violence".

Distortions of history

Bush And The Saudis Sittin' In A Tree . . .
Kay Eye Ess Ess Eye En Gee

Well, well, well. President George was in one hell of bind this week when it turned that that Saudi Arabia funded Al Qaeda, not Iraq. Realizing we'd invaded the wrong country, Bush did the honorable thing: he's come out against gay marriages.

Snuffed Candles

Under fire in Iraq, US sees elections by mid-2004

Arrogance, or something darker?

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