The Gang That Couldn't Talk Straight
Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2003

Iraqi Scientists Still Deny Iraqi Arms Programs
Despite vigorous efforts, the U.S. government has been unsuccessful so far in finding key senior Iraqi scientists to support its prewar claims that former president Saddam Hussein was pursuing an aggressive program to develop nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, according to senior administration officials and members of Congress who have been briefed recently on the subject.

The Prostitution of Intelligence

Why the US fears Cuba

Sons' killings change little in Iraq

Operation Iranian Freedom
Iran has not forgotten that it was the United States and Britain that utilized king and cleric to bring about the regime change fifty years ago that destroyed Iran's fledgling democracy.

Bush Babbles At Press Conference
Before Fleeing To Month's Vacation

US army admits Iraq suicides

2 U.S. soldiers killed; 5 wounded
Dying in Iraq
As soldiers die, Bush-Blair-Cheney lie
The War On Truth
Finding Waldo is easier than finding Iraq's WMDs
Deceit, Danger Mark U.S. Pursuit of WMD
Uranium that never was

U.S. Bartering Arms for Soldiers for Iraq War
Faced with a rising death toll among its soldiers in Iraq, the United States is trying to "buy" foreign troops for a proposed 30,000-troop multinational force in Baghdad. "When they were seeking U.N. support for a war on Iraq, they were twisting arms," one Asian diplomat told IPS. "Now they are offering carrots in exchange for our troops."

Poindexter to Quit Pentagon Post Amid Controversy
Rice cites 'personal responsibility' over disputed uranium claim

True Lies
This gap between reality and public opinion was not an accident. If the public had possessed a more accurate understanding of the facts, more people would probably have seen a "pre-emptive" war with Iraq as unwise and unwarranted.

The Gang That Couldn't Talk Straight

The new United States ...
not so much a nation as a 'religion'

Now we pay the warlords to tyrannise
the Afghan people

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