In the quicksand of Iraq
Posted: Saturday, July 26, 2003

On the streets, life is still dire

Swimming against the mainstream

Pyongyang puts US in the dock
US slaps sanctions on North Korea for missile sales

Can't they do anything right?
First, instead of dropping a GBU on the Husssein brothers last hide out, they engage in a Jerry Bruckheimer-Michael Bay style shootout; Uday and Qusay: Bad Boys III-The last stand. So six hours later, they wind up dead and then the US hides the photos for a few days. Then today, in a gross violation of Muslim custom, lets the world take pictures of their clearly autopsied bodies.

Who profits from erasing Iraq's debt?
No doubt the lack of financial transparency in today's Iraq creates unprecedented opportunities. Some US firms have already been charged with bilking millions of dollars in bogus rebuilding contracts, while the integrity of the US-UK controlled fund slated to recover foreign Iraqi assets has been called into question.

Shafting, Not 'Supporting' The Troops
Flashback Bush Nominee for Navy Sec. May Have Killed Self

Show Is Over For King Of Spin
SO it's goodbye Alastair Campbell, New Labour spinmeister, scourge of the media and the man who invented Tony Blair.

Gruesome pictures divide opinion Dilemma
over fate of bodies

IT WAS not so much the pictures themselves, gruesome though they were, but the sense that somehow the United States wanted to show off its latest success that appeared to grate the most with some.

Flashback Pics not enough - Iraqis

In the quicksand of Iraq

Reversals of fortune
When Saddam Hussein's sons died this week, many predicted a warming between Iraqis and U.S. soldiers. But as MARK MacKINNON reports from Baghdad, resistance there may need no leadership, if the U.S. can't calm tempers and assure basic needs

Three US soldiers killed

Bush's script leaves Americans helpless
Brooks said Bush is a heavy user of "empty language."
Examples are such words as righteousness, evil, moral and justice. Those words mean different things to anyone who uses them.
"Empty language is the emotional equivalent of empty calories," she wrote. But it distracts people from scrutinizing and discussing issues.

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