Screwed And They Still Don't Get It
Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 2003

All the President's Lies

Is Saddam winning the war?
Three months ago, George W. Bush looked to most people like George S. Patton. He was billed as a great liberator and a military genius. The Iraqi army had melted away. Casualties had been light; we had occupied Baghdad without much of a fight, and at the beginning of May, the president declared major combat operations over. Unfortunately, then the war began.

Syria, Iran rebuked over stalled road map
¥ So it's their fault now...

His sons are dead but Saddam lives

Crisis grows in Liberia as US
debates decision to send troops

¥ Should they go in and save the Diamonds or Rubber?
Decisions, decisions...

Weimar Republic
I have a theory that nations are like individuals. Those whose leaders are smart, strong and lucky prosper, and those whose leaders are stupid, weak and unlucky suffer or perish.

Screwed And They Still Don't Get It
No doubt you've heard that a village in Texas lost its idiot. Now he's in Washington where people actually listen to him and he's a mean mother capable of spewing out all sorts of vile things to start wars and get his way. Right now, he's learning that some words are worth a thousand pictures. Words like greed and lust can generate many mental images and some very ordinary words, when strung together, can scare crowds and stir them into a frenzy of hatred and mob action. He's being held accountable for 16 of these words used in the State of the Union Address last January and he may not be able to pass this off on someone else. We'll see what happens.

Happy ending to the tale that wagged the dog
Flashback When spin starts to kill it's time to kill spin

Heroine or not, Lynch comes home to more hype

A unilateral journey to nowhere
What many are unaware of is that the Administration knows that the situation is dwindling into a full-fledged Vietnam as tensions in Iraq continue to rise. The soldiers are unable to distinguish between those trying to kill them and average citizens. As basic services continue to be disrupted, the average persons’ patience is wearing thin. Not to mention the obvious frustration that comes into play, when being occupied by a country that invaded for inappropriate reasons.

Don't devalue this honourable cause
¥ Read it and weep

Bush Chases Saddam, Ignores Real Threats
For the past year, George W. Bush has faced a choice between a real nuclear crisis and a fake nuclear crisis. Unfortunately for the nation and the world, he chose wrongly—and his mistake has made solving the real crisis more difficult and dangerous

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