The Crime and the Cover-Up
Posted: Monday, July 21, 2003

Sinking in the mire of a messy peace

Coalition Of Deceit

Our Enemies They Are Not
The truth is that we in America are now subjected to a propaganda extravaganza that is rivaled in its intensity by only a few events which have infamously occurred throughout human history, from Rome’s obsessionist desire for the destruction of Carthage to Adolph Hitler’s attempted destruction of his own enemies, and in points which parallel the above mentioned cases, the new Rome, America, has embarked upon a program of wiping out not just a country, (as in the case of Carthage) but an entire civilization and culture, as was attempted by Hitler.

Leave No Millionaire Behind
The President and his party have cooked up the ultimate recipe for keeping political power. A nation in a constant state of anxiety -- over the thereat of terrorism, or a potential war -- is a nation off balance. And that insecurity is the perfect cover to divert public attention from the country's serious domestic problems and the administration's political agenda.

The Kelly Suicide? Naming The Elephant
It was absurdly easy to murder Dr. David Kelly.
His regular habit of walking through the quiet fields
to nearby Longworth Hill saw to that.

Hoon Threw Kelly To The Wolves
Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide

Machiavellian Bush

Blair poll rating plummets
Voters pile blame on Blair

Pre-war intelligence viewed Saddam attack as unlikely
Declassified portions of a still-secret National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released Friday by the White House show that at the time of Bush's speech the U.S. intelligence community judged that possibility to be unlikely.

Perfidious Albion and the Lying American
Wars usually start with one large lie. Throwing more troops into the breach requires a great many little lies. Wars usually end when the lying can’t staunch the bleeding and the stench.

Lost in Iraq (and Washington): U.S. Troops
So it turns out that the Bush administration's real definition of "Support Our Troops" is this:
Send the troops to war, promise them a quick return, then keep them in the dark, with no idea of when they can see their families again, if they survive a mission for which they have no training and no appetite - and while they're away, pinch pennies rather than increase their benefits.

The Crime and the Cover-Up
The simple fact is that America went to war in Iraq because George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and virtually every other public face within this administration vowed that Iraq had vast stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. America went to war because these people vowed that Iraq had direct connections to al Qaeda, and by inference to the attacks of September 11.

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