Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar
Posted: Friday, July 11, 2003

Blame America for Conflict in Liberia, Too
Liberia was created in 1821 by Americans who wanted to rid the U.S. of some of its black slave population. About 20,000 ex-slaves were repatriated to a continent they had never known, where they proceeded to grab the best land for themselves and treat the local Africans as savages. Clearly, even as slaves, they had been Americanized with remarkable success.

Africans weary of Americans bearing gifts

What the Hell is going on with CBS?!

The Art of the Re-Spin
It's the newly coined art of the Re-Spin. If the first spin doesn't float well then all you have do is re-spin it. Simply determine that old intelligence can now be dug up, re-hashed, reassessed and re-spun.

UK leaders say finding Iraqi arms is unlikely

Dossier of lies

CIA Doubted Uranium Report
¥ If the CIA Doubted the Uranium Report
Then why did they Approve Bush Remark?...
So many questions, too much lies.
Rice: CIA Approved Bush Remark on Iraq

From the September dossier to yesterday's backtrack
A truth-spotter's guide to how official language has changed

Bush vows to join Africa's war on Aids
Some fear that the appointment as the US "Aids tsar" of Randall Tobias, the former boss of the American pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, means cash will go to US drug companies to pay for their expensive medicines, rather than cheap copies from generic companies in the developing world. Others fear the money will come with strings attached.

Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar
Bush and the White House told the American people over and over again that Iraq was in possession of vast stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Bush and the White House said over and over again that this was a direct threat to the United States. Bush and the White House told the American people over and over again that Iraq was directly connected to al Qaeda terrorism, and would hand those terrible weapons over to the terrorists the first chance they got. Bush and the White House told Congress the same thing. Very deliberately, Bush and the White House tied a war in Iraq to the attack of September 11.

Powell: Niger evidence too weak for UN presentation
¥ However Powell still went to the UN using 'evidence' that was refuted

Flashback: Inspector refutes US claims
> Two satellite images the American Secretary of State showed
> the council 10 days ago did not prove Iraq was
> clearing a site of forbidden munitions, Blix said.
The case against Powell's case for war
"I'm not reading this. This is bullshit,"
Transcript of Powell's U.N. presentation

Mini-War Against Iraq Prior to 9-11
May Explain Why U.S. Targeted Them

A look back at the first 240 days of Bush’s presidency will answer that question and show that the hawks in the administration had begun to lay the groundwork for what would become "Operation Iraqi Freedom" long before weapons of mass destruction became the excuse for waging a war.

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