Latest News
Posted: Thursday, July 10, 2003

¤ U.S. changes reason for invading Iraq
¤ Downer 'moving Iraq goal posts'
¤ Was war based on a lie? Ask Cheney
¤ All spin all the time
¤ Franks: U.S. May Stay in Iraq for Years
¤ Insurgents Attack U.S. Forces North and West of Baghdad
¤ Chaos in Iraq gives US a pretext to stay for ever
¤ War-weary troops long for home
¤ Franks: 10-25 Attacks a Day on U.S. Troops in Iraq
¤ Pentagon: 1,000 troops wounded in Iraq war
¤ What's the exit strategy?
¤ An entire town detained: On Goree Island, Bush visit sparks anger
¤ Who Outted Bush in Afrika?
Flashback: How important is African oil?
¤ US Leaves Injured Iraqis Untreated
¤ Our Gift to Iraq: Depleted Uranium
¤ In the Transatlantic Food Fight, Europe Tells US "Bring 'Em On"
¤ Negligence in Afghanistan
¤ America's Iraq
¤ Criticism grows as Iraq's postwar costs escalate
¤ US warned over Iraq law enforcement
¤ Court Affirms Bush's Power to Detain Citizen as Enemy
¤ False nuclear report dogs Bush
¤ M-16s Jammed During Ambush in Iraq
¤ The war is far from over, claims British officer
¤ Confused commander led convoy into ambush
¤ Army 'error' led to Lynch capture
¤ BBC was most pro-war of British networks
¤ Ambushes Kill Two U.S. Soldiers in Iraq
¤ White House 'lied about Saddam threat'
¤ Bush ducks queries on flawed Iraq intelligence
¤ UK 'backflips' on weapons of mass destruction
¤ BBC accuses No 10 of manipulation as it names source of dossier claim
¤ Duncan Smith rejects Blair's account of sharing intelligence with Tories
¤ The Niger connection:
> What we know, what we don't know, and what we may never be told
¤ Row over weapons allegations threatens to turn the Iraq conflict into liability
¥ Both for Bush and the American Pockets
¤ Rumsfeld Doubles Estimate for Cost of Troops in Iraq
¤ Rumsfeld welcomes UN and NATO help
¥ The US refused the UN advice before the invasion now wants their help
¤ White man's burden
¤ EU officials 'siphoned millions'
¤ Keep to the law, Blair tells Bush
¤ Minister pressures BBC to reveal source
¤ The power of silence
¤ Private Jessica 'saved by her Iraqi captors' says official report
¤ We're ready for war or talk, says North Korea
¤ Nuclear fears grow after N Korea tests
¤ Iran refuses tougher N-inspections
¤ Dark side of 'peacekeeping'
¤ Congo president for all-African peacekeeping force
¤ Bush backs Mbeki on Zimbabwe
¤ The war on the web
¤ Vote Fraud And The Bankruptcy Of The United States
¤ Prostitutes Required" ... for the White House.
¥ Powell, Rice, Rumsfeild, Ari and the mainsteam media need not apply.
¤ Alcohol ad's mixed message
> A coming television commercial for Smirnoff vodka will
> advise drinkers not to drink too much of it.
¤ Over 500 feared dead in Bangladesh boat tragedy
¤ Rampage speaks volumes for Karzai's helplessness
¤ US and its shortsighted policy in Afghanistan
¤ Back to square one?
¤ US president says he and Mbeki were 'absolutely of one mind' about Zimbabwe
¤ Parliamentary whitewash of PM's lies on Iraq falls flat

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