Between Iraq And A Hard Place
Posted: Thursday, July 3, 2003

Pilger & Fisk on Iraq Coverage:
The Real Danger Lies Within

Israel defies peace plan with land grab on West Bank
Bethlehem pullout is a cover for new settlements, say Palestinians
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Examples Of Hate Speech

Between Iraq And A Hard Place

This is what a guerilla war looks like

'Bring 'Em On' Fetches Trouble
"I am shaking my head in disbelief," Lautenberg said. "When I served in the Army in Europe during World War II, I never heard any military commander — let alone the commander in chief — invite enemies to attack U.S. troops."

"Bring 'Em On?"
Yesterday, when I read that US Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, in a moment of blustering arm-chair machismo, sent a message to the 'non-existent' Iraqi guerrillas to "bring 'em on," the first image in my mind was a 20-year-old soldier in an ever-more-fragile marriage, who'd been away from home for 8 months.

"Bring 'Em On?"
Iraqis swelter in 115 degrees heat -- and fume at U.S.
Arrest of Shiite leader by US forces sparks protests
Bring 'em on
Iraqis Defy Bush, Wound Seven U.S. Soldiers in Attacks
'Bring them on,' says Bush, inviting Iraqi insurgents to target U.S. troops
Mr President, how dare you?
Bush Taking Heat for 'Bring Them On' Remark
Violence Flares: Three Iraqis Killed, 10 US Soldiers Wounded

Outlawing Subversives Hong Kong
and the United States

There's a certain irony in the verbal support being offered by the U.S. government and members of Congress for democratic activists in Hong Kong who are fighting a quixotic battle against Hong Kong government plans to pass a sedition and treason law for the territory and former British colony.

Blair spokesman admits doctoring dossier
This is the same Dossier the U.S used to justify the invasion of Iraq

Campbell 'asked for changes to Iraq dossier'
Flashback: Microsoft Word bytes Tony Blair in the butt

'Bring them on' Bush says as Iraqi attackers prolong war
Meanwhile: Cops go crooked in Kabul as pay and training lag
Afghan officials say donor countries are reneging on promises
to aid the police force.

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