This War Brought To You By...
Posted: Saturday, June 21, 2003

Now Bush Says Iraqi Weapons Sites Were Looted
"For more than a decade, Saddam Hussein went to great lengths to hide his weapons from the world. And in the regime's final days, documents and suspected weapons sites were looted and burned," Bush said in his weekly radio address.

The garbage intelligence that unleashed a war
A forged document was used to support claims by George Bush, John Howard and Tony Blair about Iraq's nuclear weapons program - even though the CIA and the State Department in the United States had dismissed it months earlier as "garbage", as one analyst said.

Anti-war U.K. MP rejects paper's apology
Story alleged he was on Saddam's payroll

Sharon says assassination policy will continue

Terrorism and the origins of Israel

US sends warning to Libya over 'pursuit of WMD'

Beware the TMD Trailers of mass destruction
Trailers were once useful vehicles that did good things. In the wake of the Bushies' desperate search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, trailers have become sinister machines of the modern roadway.

U.S. military bans BBC crew from Guantanamo Bay

Seven true things you can't say on television

True Lies And Predators - Saturday's Child
"Surgical Strike" is "to blow up something small". "Decapitate" means "to blow up their leaders". "Collateral Damage" means "to accidentally blow up something of theirs". "Friendly Fire" means "to accidentally blow up something of ours". "Target of Opportunity" means "to blow something up on a whim or false information".

Iraq Will Need Billions From Donors
The rebuilding of Iraq's economy will require billions of dollars in donations from the Group of Seven and other countries, said John Taylor, the U.S. Treasury's undersecretary for international affairs.
¥ The US invades Iraq ignoring the rest of the world
now the rest of the world must help clean up their mess

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