End of Reason
Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Bush presses regime change in Iran
President George W. Bush on Sunday declared his support for the Tehran protesters. The Iran Democracy Act would be similar in approach to the Iraq Liberation Act passed by Congress in 1998 which adopted regime change in Baghdad as the policy goal. The Iran bill would make it US policy to "support an internationally monitored referendum in Iran by which the Iranian people can peacefully change the system of government in Iran". More than $50m would be provided to support opposition Iranian groups and broadcasters adopting this goal. Mr Brownback said it was possible that a provision for covert operations would also be included.

Cook doubts Saddam threat
Former foreign secretary Robin Cook today dealt a series of devastating blows to the government's case for a war against Iraq, saying that it was "now clear that Saddam Hussein did not represent a 'clear and serious threat'".

Bush & the End of Reason
The United States is at a crossroads, with neither route offering an easy journey. In one direction lies a pretend land – where tax cuts increase revenue, where war is peace, where any twisted bits of intelligence justify whatever the leader wants and the people follow. In the other direction lies a painful struggle to bring accountability to political forces that have operated with impunity now for years.

The road map hoax
Mideast 'progress' is an illusion -- we've been here before
Don't waste your time fretting over the fortunes of the "road map" to peace in the Middle East. It's all a fraud, following the contours of all the other frauds down the years, back to such museum pieces as the Rogers Plan, conceived in Nixon time.

Toking Up to Run The World

Rise of the Apologists

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