Bush didn't 'hype' intelligence; he lied
Posted: Sunday, June 15, 2003

Trailers not WMD labs: report

They just don't want to know:
Of dissidents and dissonance

Can it be that the average American so very much doesn't give a shit what its government does? Can it possibly have gotten this bad? We were until recently known as a generous and friendly people, if loud. Are we in fact the heartless maggots that such a concept would require? It boggles the mind. Where is the public outcry? Why isn't everybody in America going apeshit as the Bush Administration slips into the same "what, me worry?" mode they employed after the failure to snare Osama bin Laden?

Sharon Vows More Attacks on Militants Despite Talks

Why We Fought the War in Iraq

Bush didn't 'hype' intelligence; he lied

Acting as Mr Bush's figleaf has been a tragedy for Britain
Flashback : Tony Blair's Statement on Iraq And Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Forged story basis for Iraq deception
Frustrations grow as one false lead after another sends teams of U.S. and allied arms hunters across Iraq.

U.S. media caved in to the Bush agenda
Iraqis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Saudis, Taliban, al-Qaida ... it's all too much for many geographically challenged Americans. Don't bother us with the details and strange names, they say, kill 'em all, God will sort 'em out. The Muslim 'A-rabs' did 9/11 and we got revenge. Whacking those I-raqis made us feel a whole lot better. So what if Saddam didn't really have the weapons of mass destruction good ol' George W. Bush said endangered the entire world? All politicians lie. So what?"

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