Welcome to Iraq, Mr President
Posted: Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Firestorm swirls around Blair

Iran Warns U.S. It Better Not Attack

Pentagon officials meet with Iran regime foe

Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil
Oil was the main reason for military action against Iraq, a leading White House hawk has claimed, confirming the worst fears of those opposed to the US-led war.

PM beefs up inspection team
Tony Blair plans to send another 100-strong team to join the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Iraqi weapons expert insists search is futile
"Their questions are the same as yours," he said. " 'Do you know of any documents or inventory of chemical agents? Any stockpiles? Any production programs? Any filled munitions? Do you have any idea where these weapons are?' I am ready to give them all the information I have. But the answer is always the same: 'No, no, no.'

Belgium rethinks war crimes law
Belgium's governing parties are scrambling to amend a controversial law which some fear could be used in a war crimes lawsuit against US President George W Bush.

Why Isn't Henry Kissinger in Prison?

Oh great, now they all hate us:
Global opinion of US on decline

No weapons, no problem for the Great Justifier
At the beginning in the galaxy of Republican presidents, there was Abraham Lincoln as the Great Emancipator. Then we had Ronald Reagan as the Great Communicator. Now, in George W. Bush, we have the Great Justifier.

'Bomb and switch'
Before 9/11, the administration had too little intelligence on Al Qaeda, badly coordinated by clashing officials. Before the Iraq invasion, the administration had too much intelligence on Saddam, torqued up by conspiring officials.

The truth is, Bush's words prove false

Welcome to Iraq, Mr President
And we all know what the American President would like to do when he arrives: to be filmed inspecting Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, the purported reason for the Anglo-American invasion illegally launched against Iraq. The problem, of course, is that there don't appear to be any.

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