Coalition of the killing
Posted: Friday, May 23, 2003

Sanctions are lifted but
on the streets few are celebrating

The Fictional War On Terrorism

Ship me off to Guantanamo
History indicates our Founding Fathers predominantly intended to represent the interests of business and the land's wealthiest individuals, not those of average people. They chose much of their lofty language in order to attract more soldiers from the poorer classes for the revolution. They designed our government to exclude Native Americans, slaves, non-landowners, and women from voting and other rights.

A quick transfer to democracy? Forget it
It is also fueled by the daily images of on-going bloody conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and the fact that while G.W.Bush threatens to stomp on Syria, and pressure the Palestinians, he looks on in silence as Ariel Sharon tears up the Road Map, goes back on promisses to give up settlements, and tells anyone who doesn't like it to but out.

Now U.S. has its own West Bank

US stamps its supremacy
By adopting this resolution, the UN has not only legitimised the war actions of the US and the UK against Iraq, but have also accepted a diminished role and prestige under the shadow of the only deciding superpower. The UN resolution that ended 12-year-old sanctions against Iraq is the beginning of the concerns and fears for many other countries in the Middle East and around the world.

Expert questions authenticity of al-Qaeda tape
A Danish terrorism expert on Thursday questioned the authenticity of a taped message attributed to al-Qaeda which threatened Norway, saying the speaker meant Denmark but made a mistake. "Al-Zawahiri knows these two countries well. Confusing them this way can only indicate that it is the voice of someone else on the al-Qaeda tape."

As the world burns
Undoubtedly many Americans still don't want to believe that things could, and have, gone so spectacularly wrong--especially when the combined power of corrupt politicians and corporate media tell us daily that everything will be alright if we just quash unpatriotic dissent.

Victims of the 'peace' decide
Americans are worse than Saddam

Bush 'is on brink of catastrophe'

Coalition of the killing
Responding to the Riyadh bombings, Dick Cheney declared, "The only way to deal with this threat ultimately is to destroy it There's no treaty can solve this problem. There's no peace agreement, no policy of containment or deterrence that works to deal with this threat."
In other words, Kill 'Em All!

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