What 'Lies' Next, Mr. Bush
Posted: Thursday, May 22, 2003

Coming now to Iraq: 'Justice' American style
Always hyperbolic and dramatic, Ashcroft evidenced a sense of humor when he said that his team will show the Iraqis how to build "an equitable criminal justice system, based on the rule of law and standards of basic human rights." Oh, really? What is his model? Certainly not the one we have in the US...

Israeli Propaganda Campaign Aims at Aborting Peace

Pentagon hands major Iraq deal to scandal-ridden WorldCom

Iran Says Qaeda Charges Due to Bad U.S. Intelligence

Teed Off The press corps as collective caddie
"If 40 million people say a stupid thing, it is still a stupid thing."
-- Anatole France

So long, Ari: The liar's gone, the enablers remain
White House flack and fabulist Ari Fleischer quits his post and says he is leaving because he wants to be with family, because he's been in government service too long and wants to go into the private sector, da-da, da-da--all the usual things people in government positions of power say when they abandon ship. Is there more to this though?

The Daily Telegraph bosses
Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, and Richard Perle, former chairman of the Defence Policy Board.

Will Powell apologize?
Remember the 80-minute chest-thumping appearance before the UN Security Council on Feb. 5 in which the U.S. Secretary of State assured the world of Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear arsenals or programs? These alleged horror stocks were the grounds for war. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of them, even for a few months, was "not an option."

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