The Oily Americans
Posted: Wednesday, May 21, 2003

The Children's Teeth
Let there be no illusions: Sharon's final goal is turning the whole country, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, into an exclusively Jewish state.

The Oily Americans
Why the world doesn't trust the U.S. about petroleum: A history of meddling

Oiling the Colonial Gears

Play it again, Uncle Sam

Bush's Pyrrhic victory

How do you spell democracy in Arabic? D-i-g-n-i-t-y
Is it possible that democracy has different meanings and incarnations in different societies? Must the political culture of democracy be uniform? This, of course, is another way of asking a question that has been posed countless times, in different ways, since the fall of the Soviet Union more than a decade ago: Does "civil society" mean imitating US society? Does democratization automatically entail Westernization?

Next War Could Begin in December 2003

Weapons Of Mass DOO-DAA
Well, it's been almost two years and we have yet to find the infamous Osama bin Laden or even the evil Saddam Hussein whose regime we just overthrew. We still don't know who mailed anthrax to people in Washington, Florida and New York City, even after finding some missing in our own supply.

Play it again, Uncle Sam
" Furthermore, members of the Defense Science Board, who report directly to the U.S. Secretary of Defense, released a 1997 report stating, "historical data show a strong correlation between U.S. involvement in international situations and an increase in terrorist attacks against the United States."

Dollar decline accelerates as
US Treasury abandons 'strong' policy

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