From Dire threat to minor concern
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003

Case proven - war does not eradicate terrorism

The truth about Jessica
Her Iraqi guards had long fled, she was being well cared for - and doctors had already tried to free her. John Kampfner discovers the real story behind a modern American war myth

Hoping that inconvenient facts disappear
The change in rhetoric, apparently designed in part to dampen public expectations, has unfolded gradually in the past month as special U.S. military teams have found little to justify the administration's claim that Iraq was concealing vast stocks of chemical and biological agents and was actively working on a covert nuclear weapons program.

Hillbilly in the White House:
Bush attack on Iraq 'handy'

Bush couldn't very well attack Saudi Arabia, even if it is a widely known source of funding for terrorism groups and the home of most of the 9/11 hijackers. Saudi Arabia has too much oil, which it is willing to produce and sell in ways that serve the economic interests of the United States and American oil companies. The solution? Saddam Hussein.

Ad depicts Rumsfeld, Saddam

Baghdad's blundering victors

Blowback in Riyadh
Unsurprisingly, the war in Iraq did exactly nothing to make our citizens at home or abroad safer. The eight American corpses who were blown sideways out of their homes in Riyadh are evidence enough of that. In fact, the scene at the compounds in Saudi Arabia proves that our war did, in fact, make the world a more dangerous place.

All the News That's Fit To Print... and
Then There's the US Gov't

When the pronouncements from US public servants inside the beltway are shown to be incorrect, false, plagiarized, and in all opposition to basic truth, one might expect retractions and corrections, and vilification of the liars. Well, one might expect it, but one mustn't hold one's breath.

Why keep Americans guessing about 9/11?

So, Mr Straw, why did we go to war?
* Jack Straw, 21 February 2003:
'Some of these weapons are deployable within 45 minutes of an order'
* Jack Straw, 14 May 2003:
Asked of the need to find weapons of mass destruction... 'It's not crucial'

From Dire threat to minor concern in six easy stages

Terrorism Déjà Vu in Saudi Arabia
During the 1980s, Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was a friend and ally of the U.S. government, even to the extent that our own government authorized the delivery of weapons of mass destruction to him so that he could use them against the Iranian people.

Bush's Mideast strategy goes up in flames

Believe George Bush At Your Own Peril

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