Who Won the War on Iraq?
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Saudi Arabia is kernel of evil, says US brief

Views Aired In Briefing On Saudis Disavowed

The Bush administration distanced itself yesterday from a Pentagon briefing that described Saudi Arabia as an adversary of the United States and a backer of terrorism, with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld saying it doesn't represent the views of the U.S. government and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell repeating that message in a call to the Saudi foreign minister.

Mercenaries Inc.
How a U.S. Company Props Up the House of Saud

Asymmetric advantages
When you're a civilian, you're a helpless bag of meat. When you're a US soldier, you've got the flack jacket, the air power, the heavily fortified base, and everything else the world's only superpower can bring to bear on behalf of its favorite folks.

Who Won the War on Iraq?
The Carlyle Group, Lockheed Martin, Choice Point - and more

Going Global:
Building A Movement Against Empire

The arrogance of its triumphalism, ignoring civilian carnage and dismissing the destruction of the ancient cities because, in Rumsfeld's words, "free people have the right to do bad things and commit crimes," reflects the hubris of ancient empires. Shakespeare's "insolence of office" could well describe the contempt with which the Pentagon warriors look down on the peoples of the world.

Ha-ha, suckers, BushCo Reams Nation Good
Turns out it really was all a big joke after all. The war, that is. All a big fat nasty murderous oil-licking lie, a sneaky little power-mad game with you as the sucker and the world as the pawn and BushCo as the slithery war thug, the dungeon master, the prison daddy. You really have to laugh. Because it's just so wonderfully ridiculous. In a rather disgusting, soul-draining sort of way.

Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas:
Democracy Comes to Iraq

A designer regime, concocted behind closed doors by Pentagon and State Department planners, is now being imposed on Iraq with great speed and without any kind of popular consent. Iraq's nascent "democratic transition government" is window-dressing for a military dictatorship charged with insuring that US policy goals -- especially the disposition of Iraq's vast petroleum reserves -- are protected from any troublesome outbreaks of democracy.

Fraud at the New York Times: Blaming Blacks

Mainstream media treating Bush with kid gloves
Ask if this should be applied to a much broader group of journalists: "A staff reporter for the New York Times committed frequent acts of journalistic fraud while covering significant news events in recent months, an investigation by Times journalists has found." Wouldn't it be refreshing if Fox News, CNBC, CBS and others were to make the same apology for the what can only be described as "journalistic fraud" as they slant the news to favor President Bush and his factually unsupportable justification of the invasion of another country?

Intelligence chiefs forced to rethink
A week ago the US intelligence community was talking with a swagger bordering on arrogance that had not existed since the attacks of 11 September. Al-Qa'ida was on the run, said officials in Washington.

Policy through rose-colored pilot's goggles

US-made Weapons to Be Used In Indonesia

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