The world won't forgive or forget
Posted: Monday, May 5, 2003

Sources Say Jessica Lynch Has Amnesia
¥ Of course. She can't remember the story as told by the U.S
The real 'Saving Pte. Lynch'

America: The failed experiment

So he thinks it’s all over...

USA's preference is dictatorship over democracy
One of the most interesting observations regarding these two events though reveals a strange inverse relationship they seem to have, which possibly comments on broader policy intentions. In both cases, the United States is carrying out "regime change." And in both cases, policy makers are concerned with how the oil industry is going to be run (nationalization/privatization).

Weapons of Mass Destruction Were a Fantasy From the Start
The continued failure of the U.S. and British occupation forces in Iraq to find any of the "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD) that were the alleged reason for their invasion is a diplomatic disaster and a joke in very bad taste.

Unanswered Iraq Questions: The Media isn't Asking
The toppling of the despised regime of Saddam Hussein is presented in the American media precisely as it was intended to be by the spin masters at the Pentagon. Yet, anyone with access to the Internet can find so many holes in this Swiss cheese that it leaves a paltry meal indeed.

Fabrication will result in more pre-emptive warfare
The drama of George W. Bush, in military uniform, championing peace and freedom on the USS Abraham Lincoln was beautiful. I had to wipe a tear out of my eye.
From laughing so hard.

Iran Asks U.S. to Stop Opposition Attacks
The People's Mujahedeen is on the U.S. State Department's terrorist list, yet it still signed a truce with the United States on April 15 that allowed it to keep weapons to defend itself against Iranian-backed attacks.

America has been weakened by its victory in Iraq
The United States today is discovering what other great powers have found before it: military victories can have results opposite to those intended. The world has not been made more pliant and respectful by a demonstration of American might, but is, on the contrary, more recalcitrant, sulky, and difficult than it was before the Iraq war.

The world won't forgive or forget
The assumption - the American and British governments' assumption - is that, as always, facts have to be faced. It isn't any longer a question of whether Saddam should be deposed. He and his boys are history.

Powell warns Syria of 'consequences'
Any failure by Damascus to pull its weight over the situation in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process will result in 'consequences', US Secretary of State Colin Powell warned on Sunday.

Iraqi 'welcome' for US turns to fury
This is the way the war ends: not with the jubilation of the liberated but with the whimpering of ragged children. "Water! Water!" they cry, running from the roadside towards passing cars, thrusting their fingers towards their mouths in the salute of the thirsty.

Boy, 14, is shot dead 'by British soldier'

Firm in Florida election fiasco earns millions from files on foreigners

How US paid for secret files on foreign citizens

Ruling prompts calls for Gulf war syndrome inquiry

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