Latest News
Posted: Wednesday, April 9, 2003

¤ Europe greets Saddam's fall
¤ Bush Offers Crooks and Warmongers to Lead Iraq
¤ The New York Times and the Peace Movement
¤ Russia's largest rally against Iraq war brings out tens of thousands
¤ Ad urging Bush impeachment angers
¤ The Images They Choose, and Choose to Ignore
¤ Foreign fighters seen as ominous sign
¤ In Iraq Towns, Allegiances Shift Quickly to Winning Side
¤ Much Lies Outside Control of Allies
¤ On to Damascus?
¤ A 51st Star for Old Glory?
¤ U.S. imperial policy carries consequences
¤ Bush-B-Gone
¤ Jordan To Pump Iraqi Oil To Israel
¤ U.S. Tells Iran, Syria, N.Korea: Learn from Iraq
¤ Where are the weapons?
¤ Will US fabricate WMD evidence?
¤ Arab nations ask for special UN General Assembly meeting
¤ Dead Al Jazeera correspondent deliberately targeted
¤ ICRC Suspends Baghdad Operations; Canadian Missing
¤ In-House Memos On Television News Presentations
¤ Russia helping Saddam flee: Report
¤ Al Jazeera: Saddam Hussein Seeking Asylum in Russia
¤ Were these deaths mishap, or murder?
¤ The Secrets of Drudge Inc.
¤ 20 school children injured in bomb blast near Jenin
¤ Right-wing Jewish group claims blast in Palestinian school
¤ Nobel laureate proposes US, Britain be tried for invading Iraq
¤ Protesters target local NBC branch
¤ No evidence of weapons of mass destruction
¤ GOP wants to keep anti-terror powers
¤ Massacre in Gaza: seven Palestinians killed, 50 wounded
¤ Hussein's regime fights on
¤ Russia Denies Its Baghdad Embassy Sheltering Saddam
¤ U.S. Bombing Kills 11 Afghan Civilians
¤ Bush team pulls off great illusion - NO WMD
¤ Beijing turns up heat on Pyongyang
¤ North Korea threatens Japan
¤ U.S. to Shift Seoul Garrison, Expand S.Korea's Role
¤ Patriotism Doesn't Mean Blindly Following the Leader
¤ On the Past—and Present—of Military Psychiatry
¤ Amid Allied jubilation, a child lies in agony
¤ - Exposing the Project for the New American Century
¤ Looking forward to deja vu
¤ Our Man in Iraq: Hero or Crook?
¤ Shoot the morons, then the journalists?
¤ In Defense of Cacophony
¤ The War for the White House Is On
¤ America's sovereign right to do as it damn well pleases
¤ The uses of Osama, dead or alive
¤ The Longest Winter
¤ Early casualties in the network war for ratings
¤ US Postwar Plan Rings Alarm Bells
¤ Ominous Signs, Arab News
¤ Iraqi government collapses
¤ Democrats urge probe into post-war contracts
¤ Republicans Want Terror Law Made Permanent
¤ Bush's support for the troops doesn't include their health care
¤ Did Saddam escape again?
¤ Force is not enough
¤ The two horrible flaws in Blair's Panglossian vision
¤ Looting and celebrations begin in Baghdad
¤ Boy Bomb Victim Struggles Against Despair
¤ U.S. conducts forcible censorship of Arab and other media outlets
¤ A picture of killing inflicted on a sprawling city
¤ US forces ratchet up pressure on Baghdad
¤ 40 million starving 'as world watches Iraq'
¤ In Basra, Growing Resentment, Little Aid
¤ "Kelly the Hawk" meets the old Iraqi warrior
¤ Israeli secret services in Chechnya
¤ Saddam 'Survives'
¤ Might As Well Get To Know The Middle East
¤ Bombs Blast Homes Instead Of Saddam
¤ 'International war crimes court' call - US
¥ Is the U.S. making fun of the international community?
¤ Iraq's WMD revisited
¤ Dark day for Iraq journalists
¤ DOD says reporter deaths sad, unavoidable
¤ All the news that's dangerous to gather
¤ Infantry heads north for the last act in fall of Saddam
¤ Saddam survived attack on building - British
¤ Islamist group wiped out in northern Iraq
¤ Iranian students attack UK embassy
¤ Surgeons using headache pills instead of anaesthetic
¤ Storm over future of Iraq
¤ Britain's inglorious experience in Iraq
¤ The US advances, street by street
¤ Scramble for Central Asian bases
¤ Baghdad slips into lawlessness as its defences crumble
¤ U.S. Insists Damascus Poses A Threat
¤ 'We shoot them down like the morons they are': US general
¤ Position vacant: puppets apply
¤ America doesn't just spin, it uses a sledgehammer
¤ Rumsfeld urges caution on chemical suspicions
¤ What will Blair do if the hawks set their sights on Syria?
¤ Afghanistan was not a triumph, but a warning
¤ US denies aid bribe claims
¤ Iraq crisis--scars of war
¤ Media deaths spark outrage
¤ Hotel hit 'deliberate': French TV
¤ Footage shows tank deliberately hit hotel
¤ Stray missile kills Iranian
¤ Missile kills nine in one family: 'Why was this done?'
¤ The dogs were yelping. They knew bombs were on the way
¤ Victory's spoils
¤ Fighting rages across Baghdad
¤ US tank fire kills three journalists in Baghdad
¤ Fresh violence claims 11 lives in held Kashmir
¤ China, Russia issue warnings over North Korea nuclear stand-off
¤ India condemns Iraq war, demands US troops' withdrawal
¤ Journalists and others
¤ Moving beyond the US conquest
¤ A peep into post-Iraq world
¤ Amid the fragments of lives, new enemies are made
¤ Welcome to Bush's new Middle East order
¤ Amid the fragments of lives, new enemies are made

A US marine covering  the face of a statue of President Saddam Hussain
A US marine covering the face of a statue of President Saddam Hussain with a US flag in Baghdad.
Wednesday 4/10/03(

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