Headlines Mar 19
Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Will the War Begin With ANOTHER Big Lie?

USA lied about Iraq's weapons
A US-based Norwegian weapons inspector accuses the USA and Secretary of State Colin Powell with providing the United Nations Security Council with incorrect and misleading information about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), newspaper Dagbladet reports.

Global Eye -- Dark Passage
Not since "Mein Kampf" has a geopolitical punch been so blatantly telegraphed, years ahead of the blow.

Wiretapping Found at French, German, UK EU Offices

Conflicting reports about Tareq Aziz fate

Now we're all ugly Americans
If the US can demand "regime change" in Iraq, why shouldn't other countries insist on deposing an illegitimately seated leader who unleashes war on innocent people in defiance of diplomacy and world opinion, based on radical religious beliefs and ideology? In short, why shouldn't regime change begin at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

UN Nuclear Team: US Sabotaged Inspections
As United Nations nuclear inspectors flee Iraq, some of them are angry at the Bush administration for cutting short their work, bad-mouthing their efforts and making false claims about evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Some inspectors are "scandalized" at the way President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell, among others, have "politicized" the inspection process, said a source close to the inspectors. None of the nuclear-related intelligence trumpeted by the administration has held up to scrutiny, inspectors say.

Iraq crisis hour-by-hour BBC
White House declares US forces would enter Iraq even if Saddam Hussein obeys order to leave.

Iraq Must Not Be Occupied, Says Fahd
Saudi Arabia declared yesterday that it will not partake in a US-led war on Iraq under any circumstances and voiced strong opposition to any possible US military occupation of Iraq.

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