Headlines Mar 18
Posted: Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Bush, Religion and Eurocentric Geo-Politics

War For Hegemony, Not Justice
Just last month, the Blair government flagrantly plagiarised an article from an academic journal and claimed it was based on reliable British intelligence and offered irrefutable proof of Iraq's involvement in global 'terrorism.' The intention was to paint Iraq in the darkest of hues -- to justify war.
Now, it turns out that the Anglo-American allegations about Iraq's attempts to purchase uranium from Niger are also based on crude forgery. The International Atomic Energy Agency compared the letterheads and signatures on the documents submitted to it, with the authentic originals from the Niger government and declared them fake.
On March 7, IAEA Executive Director Mohammed El-Baradei also declared there is no evidence of Iraq's pursuit of illegal nuclear activities. He examined the aluminium tubes, about which the US been raising a hullabaloo for months, alleging these were used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. But he found no such 'indications.'
¤ Remember this...

Cook's resignation speech

Blair should fear eloquent Cook

Israeli military kills US student
Sharon regime implicated in premeditated murder

The Boy King And His Crusading War

Westerners 'shot dead' in Yemen
Three oil workers - an American, a Canadian and a Yemeni - have been shot dead in Yemen, a Yemeni official says.

US firms get deals to rebuild Iraq

Israeli wall to encircle Palestine

Russia and France angered by end of diplomacy

1441 does not authorise force
According to the UN charter, there are only two possible situations in which one country can take military action against another. The first is in individual or collective self-defence - a right under customary international law which is expressly preserved by Article 51 of the UN charter. The second is where, under Article 42 of the charter, the security council decides that force is necessary "to maintain or restore international peace and security" where its decisions have not been complied with. In other words, where a UN resolution clearly authorises military action.

Quite clearly the United States used the United Nations to help further disarm Iraq and to ensure Iraq had no significant defense capabilities in preparation for their attack. This is the most immoral and grotesque assault in the history of the world and all right thinking people must demonstrate their disgust. If the U.S. goes ahead with an attack on Iraq under these conditions then all that supported this war together with all members of the United Nations who did not strongly denounce this action in advance are guilty of cold-blooded murder. The U.S. and Israeli bullies cannot advance Democracy!

UN Resolution or Not
This War Violates International Law

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