Headlines Mar 7
Posted: Friday, March 7, 2003

"Proof" that Iraq sought uranium was fake

Israeli Troops Seize Chunk of Gaza Strip

¤ Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York
¤ Blix: Iraq Now Proactive on Disarmament
¤ Blix: Iraq Actively Cooperating to Disarm
¤ Blix Tells UN Iraq Has Made Substantial Progress in Disarming
¤ Blix, ElBaradei rebuff U.S. intelligence claims against Iraq
¤ Blix says "no evidence" of proscribed Iraqi mobile activities
¤ ElBaradei: 'Proof' That Iraq Sought Uranium Is Fake
¤ Yahoo News: 'Proof' That Iraq Sought Uranium Is Fake
¤ Khatami hopes Iraqi disarmament will set stage for Israel to disarm
¤ Bush Speak Deciphered: We Are Going To War For Money

This impending war is the pro-active demonstration of White Male Supremacy that is only about profit$ for a handful of White males with oversized egos. Spain, Italy, England, and the United States of America are all countries that have decimated other ethnic groups and they all possess Weapons of Mass Destruction. At this time they have NO MORAL GROUNDS to determine which country should or should not have Weapons of Mass Destruction.

TONY Blair dramatically announced yesterday Britain would join a war on Iraq even if Russia, France and China vetoed military action.

Bush Readies U.S. War
Bush prepared the country tonight for possibly imminent military action against Iraq, declaring that Saddam Hussein posed a direct threat to the security of the United States and insisting "we really don't need anybody's permission" to defend the United States.

US troops 'pouring into Saudi Arabia'

Power Americana

An unnecessary, avoidable, dangerous war

A Real Policy For Peace

The United States of Everywhere

Afghan prisoners beaten to death at by US military

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