Posted: Friday, February 28, 2003

¤ 'Now it's personal: Bush is a global menace'
¤ 'Misleading a nervous America to the wrong conclusion'
¤ 'U.S. will be paying for Iraq for years'
¤ 'Smart Bomb Diplomacy: Bush's War Plans Explained'
¤ Unbelievable Reasons for War
¤ Helpless Britons appeal to France for "regime change"
¤ American diplomats are crisscrossing the globe offering bribes
¤ Blix: Iraq Missiles Decision Significant
¤ Officials Say OPEC Can't Contain Rising Crude-Oil Prices
¤ Tribal fighting in Iraq is a lurking peril for U.S.
¤ FBI acknowledges mystery flights
¤ Simmons Unites Stars Against War
¤ Bush Selects Zionist U.S. General To Run Iraq
¤ Pentagon database to spy on Americans
¤ Public loses faith in Blair and New Labour
¤ UK accuses Saddam of sabotaging inspections
¤ We can check Blair's stolen Dossier for the proof
¤ Spain begs President to restrain Rumsfeld
¤ Iraq agrees to destroy disputed missiles after UN report
¤ France: Iraqi decision to destroy missiles is proof inspections working
¤ Bush and Blair Dismiss Iraq Offer on Missiles
¤ Germany welcomes Iraq's promise to destroy banned missiles
¤ China says UN weapons inspections in Iraq "effective"
¤ How £1bn was lost when Thatcher propped up Saddam
¤ Despite protests Bush trying to 'control the world'
¤ Teachers Warned on Anti-War Talk in Classrooms
¤ The Radical Individualism of Paul Goodman
¤ Peace pin designed to make anti-war statement at Oscars
¤ Karzai doubts voice on tape is bin Laden's
¤ Israeli coalition not backing Arab state
¤ The same is true for Bush and his coalition
¤ Russia and China join forces to oppose war
¤ Billionaire Soros calls on Bush to honor world opinion
¤ US warns North Korea it Could Attack
¤ Don't Worry About Terrorism
¤ Adolf Hussein?
¤ Turkey, Kurds highlight rift in US alliance
¤ In Washington, all topics lead to Baghdad
¤ Pentagon Contradicts General on Iraq Occupation Force's Size
¤ Quietly, Mexico backs US on Iraq
¤ In London, war debate roars; Washington's whispers
¤ America's costly new global role
¤ Paying through the nose to kill Iraqi children
¤ Russia Warns of Iraq War Resolution Veto
¤ Baghdad says US has put pressure on Blix
¤ Blix damns Iraq: too little, too late
> Damned if you do Damned if you don't.
¤ Algeria accused of killing thousands in secret war
¤ China's Changes Astonish Fidel Castro
¤ If not war then what?
¤ Pursuing war and peace in the Iraqi goldfish bowl
¤ Censure for Iraq in leaked Blix report
¤ Tens of Thousands in Egypt Protest War
¤ War will bring peace, Bush vows
¤ Three gunned down in Karachi
¤ 23 army officers killed in Colombia helicopter crash
¤ America uses Israel's words to justify occupation
¤ The Prime Minister's biggest challenge is to convince the British public
¤ All together now? Not in the real world
¤ There's one way to protect democracy - send in the fascists
¤ Iraq gives in to UN missiles demands
¤ Turkish invasion plan splits US allies
¤ Bush defends war fought by father
¤ US diplomat resigns in protest
¤ You're not getting the news because...
¤ US imperialism's rendezvous with disaster
¤ 10 obvious, but overlooked, questions on Iraq
¤ Rockets Explode Near Offices in Kandahar
¤ We WILL Each Pay $800 Per Person To Destroy Iraq
¤ US expands its military presence around globe
¤ A Duty to Disobey All Unlawful Orders: An Advisory to US Troops

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