Headlines Feb 19
Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Cuba's View of Bush's War on Terrorism
An Interview with Cuban Vice President Ricardo Alarcon

Plans begin for March 5 war protest
People from coast to coast will be urged to stay home from work, close their businesses, cancel or walk out of classes, stage traffic slowdowns and otherwise express their anti-war sentiments. A local planning session hosted by Not In Our Name is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. today at 1611 Telegraph Ave., Oakland. For more information, call 444-NION or go to

Egypt: Anti-war protest
Silencing the voice on the streets

In a quirky reversal of the old principle, the Arab establishment agrees with what its anti-war protestors say, but will apparently defend to the death its right to stop them saying it.

Israeli Forces killed 11 Palestinians in Gaza

Is the U.N. 'irrelevant' with regard to Israel too?

After the Fall A Day of Reckoning

Blood, guts, game show hosts, and September 11

U.S. plans new nuclear weapons BBC
A leaked document suggests that Washington is beginning detailed planning for a new generation of smaller nuclear weapons. The New Mexico-based Los Alamos Study Group posted on its website what it said were the minutes of last month's meeting in the Pentagon of senior US nuclear scientists. It said the meeting was called to plan a secret conference "to discuss what new nuclear weapons to build, how they might be tested... and how to sell the ideas to Congress and the American public".

¤ U.S. plan would revive use of nuclear arms

Is the US serious?
When I listen to the American news these days, I feel as though I am watching Iraqi television filled with propaganda. I react the same way as the 23 million Iraqis, reach for the remote and turn it off. Some of the things I hear sound to be completely ridiculous. Is the US serious about what it is saying? Is it really going to defy the wishes of other nation-states in the world and attack Iraq? What does it actually want to do?

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