Headlines Jan 22
Posted: Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Bush Speech HidesBackdrop for President Bush Speech Hides 'Made in China'
Backdrop Hides 'Made in China' Labels
Someone went to great lengths to ensure the backdrop for President Bush's sales pitch Wednesday on his economic stimulus plan sent all the right messages and none of the wrong. You do the maths on lies and deceptions!

Willing to Go to War Without U.N.
By escalating his threats against Baghdad and insisting he is unwilling to participate in "the rerun of a bad movie," President Bush is serving notice on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that the time for prevarication is over. More immediately, Bush is also signaling U.S. allies that he is prepared to go to war with Iraq without their approval.

No justification for war say UN allies
France, Germany, Russia and China today made clear that they will not be rushed by Washington's timetable for war on Iraq. Despite US efforts to convince the world that Iraq is failing to cooperate with weapons inspectors, many Security Council members believe just the opposite - that the inspections are starting to work and Iraq can be disarmed peacefully.

Congresswoman Pushes for the Repeal of the Authorization for Use of Force Against Iraq.

Gephardt said had he pushed Bush to go to the United Nations before launching a military offensive. Kerry appealed to Bush not to "look for some cheap way to end run the United Nations." "The United States of America should never go to war because we want to go to war," Kerry said. "We should go to war because we have to go to war." CNN

No link between Iraq and al-Qaeda: UN

Israeli Bulldozers flatten Palestinian market

France and Germany break ranks on Iraq
France and Gerrmany served notice yesterday that it would press other European governments to oppose American plans for war against Iraq, setting themselves on a collision course with the United States and risking a damaging clash inside the European Union with Britain.

State Department's John Bolton
the Wrong Man to Send to Korea

The Return of John Rambo Smoking Out Bin Laden

Echoes of the past and the lessons of history
Venezuela in 2003 bears an eerie resemblance to the Chile I knew back in 1973.

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