Posted: Wednesday, January 22, 2003

¤ Weekly report on Israeli human rights violations
¤ Weapon of the Week: The Russki Jammer
¤ Trying to halt America's march to war
¤ Two Words: Government Lies: Iraq, Oil, Climate Change, and Blair
¤ Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution
¤ Democrats Urge Bush to Slow Down on Iraq
¤ Bill Seeks Stiffer Rules For Abortion Clinics in Va.
¤ Afghan judge outlaws 'immoral and smutty' cable television
¤ Role reversal: Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution
¤ Bush to UN: "How much time do we need?"
¤ UN division over invasion widens
¤ Bush's moral clarity turns fuzzy
¤ Saddam Hussein is ready for war
¤ The myth of the war economy
¤ Turkey Urges Bush to Heed Call for Peace
¤ Willing to Go to War With or Without U.N.
¤ U.S. Gen. Says Military Ready for War
¤ N Korea fears US attack
¤ Kuwaitis' Gratitude to U.S. Gives Way to Resentment
¤ Get On Blair's Case And Give Peace A Chance
¤ France, Germany Agree on Avoiding Iraq War
¤ Rumsfeld Apologizes for Remarks on Draftees
¤ The Return of John Rambo: Smoking Out Bin Laden
¤ State Department's John Bolton the Wrong Man to Send to Korea
¤ France and Germany break ranks on Iraq
¤ No link between Iraq and al-Qaeda: UN
¤ No justification for war say UN allies
¤ TARGET: SCOTT RITTER The War Party gets ugly
¤ Israeli Bulldozers flatten Palestinian market
¤ U.S. prepares for terror attack in food
> Scandal with genetically modified foods? Blame terrorists! (wrh)
¤ Venezuela suspends currency markets
¤ UN must force a solution on Israelis
¤ Australian government deploys military forces to the Persian Gulf
¤ US military insists on right of "hot pursuit" inside Pakistan
¤ N. Korea Deems Nuclear Talks Off Limits
¤ Bush rules out more time for Iraqi inspection
¤ 10 die in bus-van collision
¤ Side effects of war
¤ Is this all really about the smoking gun?
¤ Using Torture in the War on Terrorism?
¤ Watching Your Every Move
¤ Agencies fear human disaster in Iraq
¤ Spies in Iraq to remove Saddam
¤ Powell talks tough as UN wavers
¤ 'Still no case' for strike on Baghdad
¤ Hizbollah attack 'serious development': Israel
¤ Captive helped trick US while bin Laden escaped
¤ Racism a worry, says Bush; so are you, say African Americans
¤ Europeans baulk at Iraq strike

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