Headlines Jan 17
Posted: Friday, January 17, 2003

Paranoid? North Korea?
There's much fluttering among the pundits about the enigmatic North Koreans, much puzzlement about that nation's motives in withdrawing from the non-proliferation treaty and telling the US it's pressing forward with nuclear manufactures. Now let's see. President George W. Bush announces at the start of last year that North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil, and therefore a sworn foe of the US, just like Iraq and Iran. Then President George Bush emphasizes that the United States has reserves the right to "First Use" of its nuclear arsenal. Then President George Bush says the United States will not hesitate to exercise this privilege. By Alexander Cockburn,


¤ Antiwar Activists Reaching Past Usual Suspects
¤ Let's make money, not war, say US protesters
¤ Voices for Peace Growing Stronger
¤ War-Protest News Missing In Action

Bush Admin "Celebrates" Birthday
of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

Racial Gaps Still Wide This King Holiday

Vatican Journal: Oil Drives War Plan

Administration plots huge U.S. role in a new Iraq

Workers Against War
"Our members are split 50/50 on Bush.
Fifty don't believe a word he says. Fifty think he's a liar."
by Joann Wypijewski,

US 'obstructing aid to Iraq'

¤ Indonesia protests at US entry rules BBC
¤ Europe appeals for time on Iraq BBC
¤ Indonesia protests at US entry rules BBC
¤ Taleban 'regroup' in Afghanistan BBC

Anti-Chávez strike backfires
The opposition in Venezuela is considering easing up on the seven-week-old general strike, amid signs that the civil protests are backfiring. Instead of forcing the downfall of president Hugo Chavez, the stoppages have crippled the economy and disrupted people's lives. As the atmosphere becomes increasingly grim, neighbouring countries have launched a number of initiatives to try to bring the parties closer together.
by Edwin Koopman,

Bush the latest wartime president we can't trust

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