Headlines Jan 14
Posted: Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Activists Bring War Protests to Baghdad

US offers new aid to ease stand-off with North Korea
See! Weapons of mass destruction do act as a deterrent against aggressive States (e.g. the U.S.).

TONY Blair yesterday insisted that Saddam Hussein WILL be stripped of weapons of mass destruction - but United Nations inspectors have still failed to come up with Iraq's nuclear "smoking gun".

6 Iraqis wounded in US, UK air strike: Baghdad

Baghdad ready to answer any question asked
When was your last birthday party?

Blix to Iraq: Give Evidence or Face War

Time Running Out for Iraq, Bush Says
WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday he has seen no evidence that Saddam Hussein is disarming, and warned that "time is running out" for him to do so. "I'm sick and tired of games and deception, that's my view of timetables," Bush said.
I can think of a hundred bylines for this crap, but I'll leave this one up to you.

Blair's Disguised Support
For Sharon And The Zionist Project

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