Are Christian Fundamentalists Promoting Israel's Destruction?
Posted: Sunday, December 29, 2002

by John Williamson

Some weeks ago on an American national television program, an interview between Christian Fundamentalists, a Jewish Rabbi and others may have opened the eyes of many who have always wondered why Christian Fundamentalists support and promote the idea or Armageddon. The fundamentalists seem to hold the belief that in order for Jews to be saved, they have to renounce their religion, after this Great War has been fought, the world destroyed and Christ returns to earth.

The idea of a final battle between good and evil has been part of ancient religious writings since Egyptian times. Yet, who is good to whom and who is evil to whom?

If the idea and the expecting of Armageddon to occur is to become a self-fulfilling prophesy that has been part of religious belief for hundreds of years, it seems that no matter what is said or done, those who hold these beliefs will continue to support the conflict between Israel and the Arabs until both these groups drag the rest of the planet into a conflagration.

It is heartening to hear a Jewish Rabbi ask why do Jews have to convert to Christianity to be saved. His question is of crucial importance particularly to those who know how the Bible was written and rewritten to suit the times and to promote certain agendas. According to the text, "A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," (published by, from the time of the Nicene Conference about 325 A.D., to the time of King James, the Bible has been changed. Various types of dogma, teachings and concepts have been added to the Bible and the Christian religion in general. Many misinterpretations have also been made.

In retrospect, it is indeed a dangerous irony if the only reason why the Christian Fundamentalists support the wars between the Israelis and the Arabs and the possibility that World War III can break out, is to bring about the end of the world, the coming of Christ and the conversion of the Jews. It is ironic and it is also irresponsible.

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