Merry Christmas for whom?
Posted: Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Gulf War I leftovers
The Pentagon continues with plans for another war with Iraq while more than 100,000 veterans still are trying to deal with the damage from the first one.
- Palm Beach Post Editorial,

N. Korea moves fuel to nuke plant

Breathtaking Nuclear Hypocrisy
The statement by a "White House official" in response to North Korea's move to reopen a sealed nuclear reactor is breathtaking in its blinding arrogance ("North Korea Begins to Reopen Plant for Processing Plutonium", 12-24-02). The statement that the North Koreans must "live up to treaties and agreements and obligations" before there can be negotiations heedlessly fails to acknowledge that the United States has utterly failed to live up to our own agreements and obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
From Alice Slater,

Once again, there is no room at the Bethlehem Inn
Two thousand years on, the hotel has been commandeered by Israeli soldiers, and just about every other lodging in Christ's hometown will be closed on his birthday by Chris MacGreal,

Bush labels Santa an "enemy combatant"

Poindexter Is Watching Your Ass

Bush's Christmas

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