Stand Firm
Posted: Monday, December 16, 2002

Why Bush Remains Silent
Did Saddam Test Poison Gas on 5,000?

- by Robert Fisk, The Independent, via

A Lott more? It's time to revisit John Ashcroft

U.S. Hushed 1978 Argentine Junta Murders

Military May Spread Propaganda
Operations could include paying European journalists to write favorable stories about American policies or secretly financing books or schools to counter radical Islamic thought being taught at some Pakistani religious schools, defense officials said on condition of anonymity.

The papers that cried wolf
Brian Whitaker looks at how the American media are softening up public attitudes to war with Iraq

Some Facts About Palestine

White House Venezuela Error Backfires
Bush Withdraws "Elections" Demand; "Strike" is Over
By Al Giordano and correspondents :

Israel demolished Palestinian homes, 3 killed

U.S.: No Second Chance for Iraq on Any Omissions
The White House on Monday said Iraq would not be given a second chance to correct omissions in its declaration of arms capabilities to the United Nations.
(Not the UN but U.S.UN)

Western Jets Attack Southern Iraq AGAIN!

Iran hits out at Israeli nuke program

President Chávez urges Firm Stand
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez yesterday, through the Express, sent a message to Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the rest of Caricom urging them to stand firm and avoid being blackmailed by any country.
From Curtis Williams, Trinidad Express

Bush favors billions in aid to Israel

Pyongyang challenges nuclear inspectors

Yes, Virginia, There is No Santa Claus

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