Kenyans & Israelis Killed in Kenya blast
Posted: Thursday, November 28, 2002

¤ Bin Laden tape a fake, Swiss lab says
¤ Bin Laden tape 'not genuine'
> Scientists compared recording to 20 other tapes of terror chief
¤ Israel vows to find Kenya bomb group
¤ Bush Anything But Moronic, According to Author
¤ Americans' civil liberties must never be negotiable
¤ 3 Israelis dead in Kenya blast; Arkia plane attacked
¤ Israelis targeted in Kenya attacks
¤ Eleven Dead In Kenya Bomb Attack
¤ Palestinian Gunmen Kill Five Israelis
¤ Palestinian olive trees sold to rich Israelis
¤ US denies Saudi ultimatum
¤ Aide to Canadian PM replaced for calling Bush a "moron"
¤ Bush picks Kissinger to head official probe?
> New stage in the September 11 coverup
¤ The Kissinger Bombshell
¤ Thwarting an African Taliban
¤ Think-tank downplays Saddam threat
¤ Iraq producing weapons in mobile factories: US
In other words if the UN inspectors cannot find weapons then the US wants to bomb because it believe they are mobile.

¤ Group rejects US plan for military rule
DUBAI - The leading Iraqi Shi'ite opposition movement has come out strongly against an alleged US plan for interim military rule in a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq.

¤ The Latest Kissinger Outrage
Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?
¤ Twin attacks target Israeli hotel, plane
¤ Palestine 1945-1948

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