Posted: Wednesday, November 27, 2002

¤ U.S. Lobbying for Turks' Aid in Move on Iraq
¤ Israel's 14B war tab
¤ War With Iraq
¤ Iraq wants press at inspections — UN doesn't
¤ Russian plan to topple Saddam to prevent US occupation of Iraq
¤ Bush Family Dipping Into Security Pie
¤ South African whites plot to get 'their own' back
¤ Bali suspect 'admits al-Qaeda link'
¤ First Iraq inspection completed
¤ Go check your stores, adamant Iraqis told
¤ There will be only one winner of an Iraqi war - Osama bin Laden
¤ US ultimatum to Saudi leaders, 'do it, or we will'
¤ Screws put on Saudi to tackle al-Qaeda financiers
¤ Big Business's Funding Shift Boosts GOP
¤ Ford Motor Is Linked to Argentina's 'Dirty War'
¤ Bush Taps Kissinger to Head 9/11 Probe
¤ USAC Passes Resolution Condemning War with Iraq
¤ Germany pledges to supply Israel with Patriot missiles
¤ Turkey demands talks on joining EU
¤ Bush 'sorry' over S Korean deaths
¤ North Korea ends de-mining stand-off
¤ Colombian rebels kill troops in ambush
¤ Courage under Israeli fire
¤ Germany Gives U.S. Overflight Rights
¤ France and Germany plan Euro defence union
¤ Arafat Deputy: Uprising Was a Mistake
¤ UN whistleblower awarded £100,000
A United Nations worker who won her case for unfair dismissal after she blew the whistle on an alleged prostitution racket involving her colleagues in Bosnia was awarded more than £100,000 in compensation yesterday.

¤ What will be the trigger for war?
¤ Fatwa is issued on Nigerian journalist
¤ South Africa Government shuns apartheid lawsuits
¤ US increases pressure on Saudis over terrorist funds
¤ UN inspectors: Our technology will find Saddam's weapons
¤ PM's aide quits after calling Bush a moron
¤ US divvies aid funds to worthy poor countries
¤ Nine Maoist rebels among 12 dead in Nepal
¤ Three school children among 13 killed in held Kashmir
¤ Israeli army storms Gaza Strip
¤ Troops occupy U.S. Congress
¤ UN whistleblower awarded £100,000
¤ France and Germany plan Euro defence union
¤ Saudi Royals upset over US arms twisting
¤ 'Hijacker confessed under threat of castration'
¤ Advert attacking Bush's intelligence banned in UK
¤ Bin Laden 'alive and healthy'
¤ Canada's Opposition call for apology for "moron" remark
¥ A little truth should not be seen as an offence
¤ Banned! Bush cartoon joke

Haiti clashes escalate

Tensions are high across Haiti after several days
of clashes between anti-government protesters and
supporters of President Aristide.

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