Posted: Wednesday, November 13, 2002

¤ Watch out as Microsoft teams up with Ashcroft
> Privacy Groups Dismiss Microsoft NSA Denial
¤ Pak nuclear aid to N Korea may be recent: Report
¤ AIPAC is Worse Than KKK
¤ Homeland Security deal struck
¤ Homeland Security Bill Limits Smallpox Vaccine Damages
¤ Annan: Israel Must Give Up Arab Land
¤ FBI Admits: No Evidence Links 'Hijackers' to 9-11
The possibility that 19 Muslim men accused of being the Sept. 11 hijackers were not, in fact, the hijackers, is not so extraordinary an idea as it might seem.

¤ Navy Says U.S. Submarine Bumped Ship
¤ Catholic bishops plan statement opposing U.S. invasion of Iraq
¤ The Real Rogue Nation
¤ Diplomat: Iraq Accepts U.N. Plan
¤ Israeli tanks storm Palestinian town
> Israeli forces attack civilian neighborhoods
¤ Pakistan, Iran to hold military exercises
¤ Three Egyptians charged with spying for Israel
¤ US used biological weapons in Korean War
¤ Israelis Strike Nablus and bars journalists
¤ This war brought to you by Rendon Group
¤ 1000s to Expose Double Standard in War on Terror
¤ Al Qaeda Seen Planning Major Strikes - Interpol
BE SKEPTICAL!! 'Osama, al Qaeda scare tactics' followed by US covert bombing operations. People become afraid and support more invasions and retaliations. I could be wrong but BE SKEPTICAL!

¤ Attention, Small-D Democrats: The Party's Over
¤ Bin Laden Resurfaces to Haunt US at Critical Time
¤ Homeland Security deal struck
¤ Spacey makes case for Iraq-nophobia
¤ United States Troops Under United Nations Command
¤ US Wants to Use Biological Weapons on Iraq
¤ The Pentagon's Path From Osama to Saddam
¤ Tricked and bamboozled into war
> The west's warlords will get their invasion
¤ Stalemate Ends in Bush Victory on Terror Bill
¤ US Official: UN inspection team 'cannot prevent war'
¤ Europe lacks moral fibre, says US hawk
¤ Son of Saddam is unlikely defender of UN resolution
¤ U.S. says tape shows bin Laden alive
¤ North Korea Warns of Military Expansion in Response to US Threat
¤ 'Bin Laden' threatens Australia, other US allies
¤ 'Bin Laden' says Bali bombing justified, warns US allies
¤ Excerpts From 'bin Laden' Tape
¤ Iraq deputies defy UN call to disarm
¤ Oil Rises on Iraq Parliament's Defiance
¤ Iraqi assembly decision mocked by Bush
¤ American agents prime Kurdish allies for action
¤ Regime's order for gas antidote worries US
¤ War on Iraq will create recruits for terror
¤ The gun at Saddam's head
¤ Saddam's merry dance cannot hide the sad inevitability of events
¤ Cleric names his price for ruling with Musharraf
¤ Knickers in the name of capitalism only
¤ Israelis search refugee camp for kibbutz killer
¤ Netanyahu: I would expel Arafat
¤ Israel Fires Missiles on Gaza City
¤ Milosevic's poor health halts war crimes trial
¤ Chechens beg Kazakhstan to let them return
¤ Putin offers radical surgery for Chechen rebels
¤ UN meeting eases ivory ban
¤ Violence at Kabul student protests
¤ U.S. Taking Over As U.N.'s CFO
¤ The fear, the warnings and how a nation was placed on high alert
¤ China's Jiang to Retire as Party Chief
¤ How Dounreay's nuclear dream turned sour
¤ Still waiting for Resolution No 242
Resolution 242 referred to the seizure and occupation in the 1967 six-day war by Israeli military forces of lots of other countries' land inhabited in the main by Palestinians. Resolution 242 called for the "withdrawal of Israel's armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict".

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