Arrest Israelis for war crimes
Posted: Monday, November 4, 2002

¤ Big Brother scenario opens door to abuse
¤ Bin Laden's son may be in U.S. custody
¤ Rally at Common Protests War in Iraq
¤ Oprah used her program to propagandize for war
¤ 2 killed, many wounded, in Israel explosion
¤ 2 Palestinans killed; 6 killed in Gaza in 24 hours
¤ CIA: No clear successor to Arafat
¤ How do they tell Sharon 'No'

¤ Can The Only Superpower Hold Off The World Forever?
¤ NUCLEAR firm gave $million to Bush's party and US lobbyists
¤ Chechens Shoot Down Russian Helicopter, Nine Dead
¤ Saudis Won't Help U.S. Attack Iraq
¤ Amnesty calls for arrest of Israelis for war crimes
¤ Peres plays down Amnesty report

¤ Islamic party sweeping board in Turkey
¤ Turkish Party: Opposes U.S. Strikes

¤ Bush's Grand Strategy
¤ A war on terrorists to wage together
¤ 1 Palestinian killed, 3 hurt in separate incidents in Gaza
¤ Saddam says Iraq ready for war
¤ Doctor may have treated bin Laden
¤ Netanyahu Calls Sharon on Elections
¤ The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
¤ 'P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty
¤ US peace activists vow to stay in Iraq
¤ US exerting pressure on inspector says Scott Ritter
¤ The American Empire On Its Deathbed
¤ Bali Bonus for Oz Government
¤ UN diplomatic charade on Iraq nears final act
¤ The impact of a US war on Iraq's civilian infrastructure
¤ Saudi minister rebukes religious police
¤ Israelis blamed for West Bank explosion
¤ U.S. Lures Iraqi Weapons Experts
¤ White House 'Bonesman' leads nation into the dark

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