Carve-up of Iraq's oil riches begins
Posted: Sunday, November 3, 2002

¤ A nuclear double standard
¤ Sharon Faces No-Confidence Test in Israel Assembly
¤ Assassinations, phony wars, cooked polls,
> corporate crooks and stolen elections
¤ Israel seeking formal upgrade in relations with U.S.
> Cost of upgrade, 10 billion dollars
¤ N. Korea Offers a 'Silk Road' Bargain to the United States
¤ Israeli Army Destroys Militant Homes
¤ Egyptians sentiment toward U.S. sours
¤ Muslim scholars call for holy war
> against U.S. and Britain if Iraq is attacked
¤ Iran urges Iraq not to give U.S. excuse to attack
¤ Chechnya's savage war comes home to Moscow
¤ Saudis: No airspace, bases for Iraq strike - CNN
> Saudi Arabia will not help any U.S. strike on Iraq
¤ Saudis hit back over terror claims
¤ U.S. Civilians Wage Drug War from Colombia's Skies

¤ Russia launches new assault in Chechnya
> Another Russian helicopter shot down by rebels

¤ Netanyahu 'accepts' Sharon offer
¤ France denies secret Baghdad deal
¤ Saddam orders assassination of Iraqi opposition leaders
¥ Could be true but this sounds like typical US propaganda
¤ The Allies' war machine is pushing inexorably towards Iraq
¤ Army's secret 'people zapper' plans
¤ Carve-up of Iraq's oil riches begins
¤ Netanyahu offered 'job swap' by Sharon in leadership deal
¤ U.S. Pilots in Gulf Use Southern Iraq for Practice Runs
¤ North Korea Says Nuclear Program Can Be Negotiated
¤ Russia targets Chechen refugee camps
¤ Russia pushes for Chechen extradition

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