30 'rebels' killed in Chechnya
Posted: Monday, October 28, 2002

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¤ Why Doesn't the Government Act as If We're in Danger?
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¤ Aussie warships head to Gulf
¤ U.S. Forces in Weekend Firefights in Afghanistan
¤ Many Afghans return, then flee
¤ Four Die in University of Arizona Shooting
> A 'normal' day in the US
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¤ North Korea Nukes seen as check to 'U.S. imperialists'
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¤ 30 'rebels' killed in Chechnya: Russian army
¤ US diplomat shot dead in Jordan
¤ Russians admit 115 hostages were killed by gas poisoning
¤ 646 people remain in hospital...
¤ Rights group demands siege gas inquiry

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