Posted: Monday, September 23, 2002

Out of History Into History
The war on Iraq is a runaway train
Gore Warns Against Iraq Attack
Israel digs in around Arafat HQ amid world censure
U.S. to block 'one-sided' Security Council draft on Mideast
British witness claims teenager executed by Israel soldier
Attacks on US Embassy in Jakarta, McDonald's in Lebanon
Extremists Must Go!
Labour MPs Challenge Blair's War Lies
Culture War With B-2's
Scott Ritter wages loud fight against war
Washington's strike doctrine could ricochet on US or its allies
Change of guard, change of message
Weary Iraqis get set for the inevitable
Downer denies war, trade link
Lawmakers eye narrowing of Iraq resolution
Spoiled Rancid
The word from the CIA: it's the oil, stupid
Allowing this armed bully his way unopposed endangers all
Strong Anti-War Stance Helps Schroeder Defeat Conservatives
Arab States Stand With U.S. on Iraq, or Stand Aside
The stupidity of this very public humiliation
Boy aged 14 among five shot dead by Israelis
Israel halts demolition of the Muqata
Arafat appeals for intervention by West to end siege
Israel denounced as siege tightens
West rebukes Israel for demolition of Arafat's compound
This is the Muddle East with its theatre of the absurd
Are these the detailed battle plans
Saddam victims have no taste for revenge
Web surfers can follow U.S. buildup
U.S. senators: Iraq strike could lead to 'Arab-Israeli' war
Blair to plead for cabinet unity on Iraq strikes
Short: 'We cannot have another Gulf war'
We aided the war on al-Qa'ida, says Iraq
US War Plans Target Hussein Power Base
War-hardened Iraqis ready to fight
EU six defend farming subsidies
Al-Qaida linchpin eludes his pursuers
Only a united Europe can counterbalance hawkish America
It's not always the economy, stupid
Chancellor will need to mend fences with Bush
Bush lays out plan for US domination
Ivory Coast President declares war on enemies
Sharon's strategy could easily backfire
Repression reigns under guise of combating militants
Israel's Arafat siege rattles US war plans
Social set despairs of boring Bush
Missing in 9/11 hearings: what 2 presidents knew
Monstrous crimes of Russian invaders
Message to Ummah
Fierce combat in Dzhokhar and Iliskhan-Yurt
Hussein's to Blame — Again

Yasser Arafat's compound
An IDF tank taking up position
in Yasser Arafat's compound Sunday.
(Photo: Reuters)

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