Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2002

De-Saddamization, Not Disarmament
Give me my war, dammit: Rumsfeld dismisses Iraq's inspections offer
Protesters to Rumsfeld: 'Inspections, not war'
Bribing Our Way to War
Mandela Slams Bush The World Bully
Spy scandal has reduced America's control of mission
Iraq's offer slows Bush momentum
Rumsfeld: U.S. must act ahead of U.N.
U.S., Britain drafting U.N. resolution on Iraq
Muslim investors switching funds to Brunei
US exposed by Iraqi offer of compliance
Daschle attacks Bush for 'atrocious' economic record
Israel to build Jerusalem electronic fence
Why Bush Wants This War
Curses! Dubya gets foiled again
Saddam's concessions will never be enough for the US
> Unless it can engineer a war, Bush's administration is political roadkill
Napoleonic Neocons Mistake Bush for Churchill
Baghdad's offer upends US push to topple Hussein
¥ Monkey meets monkeywrench
McBride may become Bush's 'worst nightmare'
Pope hails Saddam's goodwill, urges peace
Memo to UN: You're either with us or you're history
Baghdad move is bad news for Blair
Israeli army fires at UN delegation
Iraq may distract US from Afghanistan: Karzai govt
Untested administration hawks clamor for war
Spy scandal has reduced America's control of mission
Some Bay Area Democrats May Oppose Iraq Attack
Israeli threats get stronger in water dispute with Lebanon
Saddam's surprise catches Bush off guard
Bush: Saddam's trying to fool us
Bush urges US resolve against Iraq
GOP Nominees Make Iraq a Political Weapon
Report: Agencies Had Attack Hints
Suicide attack at Israeli bus stop
Dealing in double standards: Bush at the UN
President Bush wants war, not justice
Amnesty International launches petition against US
UN and Iraq discuss arms checks as Security Council
Saddam's concessions will never be enough for the US
Baghdad decision praised by Arabs
Three key UN members welcome Iraq letter
U.N., Iraq Plan Inspectors' Return
U.S. military planning marches on despite Iraqi offer
Afghans Fret Over Iraq Distraction
Rwandan troops pull out of Congo
Saddam's offer should be accepted by Western hawks as well as doves
Waging war seldom leads to lasting peace
Australian Senate says no case to support war
Lara hepatitis scare after crease collapse
Many Americans worried about rights amid war on terror
Rockets fired at UN office, US forces in Afghanistan
Iraq wins time but war still likely: UK expert
Hussein disarms world with a feint and a goose-step
US widens Iraq bombing in prelude to war
Australia's main parties split over military action
Prove it, West tells Baghdad
¥ Huh? How about the West proving they are committed to peace
They Blow Up Your Luggage
> Steve Benson on what can happen when you eat in Shoney's.
The Conqueror's Shifting Ground
Questions about Saudi elites and President Bush

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