Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Costs of Imperial Adventurism
Iraq is a Distraction: What Matters Now
Attempt to relaunch Mid-East peace
U.S. shuns Iraq about-face
Setback for US over terror suspect
Jewish extremists suspected in school bombing
Al Qaeda militant killed Pearl: report
N. Korea admits abducting Japanese; 4 still alive
U.S. holding cameraman, Al-Jazeera says
U.S. military operation in Afghan provinces fizzles out
Political Violence Flares In Karachai-Cherkessia
Bush Says World Should Not Be 'Fooled' by Iraq
¥ Bush, Iraq is the UN's concern; Not for US/Bush's Greed
The Crusade's progress
WAR'S BEGUN: British jets hit vital Iraqi HQ
Iraq: U.S. only after oil
Is Bush's War Illegal? Let Us Count the Ways
Nations Waver in Supporting U.S. After Iraq Offer
United Nations says inspectors ready for Iraq duty
U.S. assertions go beyond its intelligence
Britain warns against Iraq making a "monkey" of the world
Post-9/11 Economic Windfalls for Arms Manufacturers
Democratic Party Must Say No to War

Russia demands return of inspectors, not new resolutions
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov says Moscow wants the "speedy return" of United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq, after Baghdad offered to readmit them in the face of international pressure.

Washington is sticking to its demand for a new UN Security Council resolution backed by the threat of force.

UN Security Council has been thrown into disarray
Bush now has to refuse to take yes for an answer
Rumsfeld adds targets in 'no fly' enforcement

Iraq agrees to weapons inspections
Iraq has told the UN it is ready to readmit weapons inspectors.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the offer in a letter from
Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri - was unconditional.

But the US which wants a regime change in Iraq quickly dismissed
the offer as a "false hope" by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

Murder for Profit
Saudis treading fine line with US
US steps up pressure on UN and Iraq
A 'civilised' prelude to the threat of war
Al-Qaeda suspects to be charged under catch-all terrorism law
Talks between Sri Lanka and Tamil Tiger rebels begin
3000 flee US acid spill
Boy dies as polls open in Kashmir
Iraq Agrees To Weapons Inspectors
What Baghdad said in letter to Kofi Annan
Italian Cardinal Opposes Iraq War
Saddam should be given the chance to avoid a war
Cost of war put at $200bn, but that's nothing, says US adviser
Ousting Saddam 'would be good business'
General Strike Shuts Most Of Nepal
Stoiber uses race to drum up votes
Saddam should be given the chance to avoid a war
US calls for disarm order as Saddam opens door
Anti-US fury vented on soldier
US admits change of targets in Iraq no-fly zone
America plans PR blitz on Saddam
Kashmiris forced to defy poll boycott
Kashmir poll fails as voters stay at home in droves
Is the Peace Movement Dead?
Disarmament Diplomacy

Arab leaders tell Saddam: you're on your own
¥ This headline is deceptive!
> The Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, said
> his country remained opposed to a strike on Iraq
> but would be "obliged to follow through"
> if military action was sanctioned by the UN.

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