Posted: Tuesday, July 9, 2002

"Why are they shooting our women and children?"
WorldCom to Decide on Reorganization
Nader Says Bush Was 'Irresponsible Corporatist'
Bush said he would not urge Israel to end occupation
Iraq says Farrakhan tells of U.S. Muslims' support
Arafat told U.S. will never deal with him again
Britain to relax laws against marijuana use
Bush's strategy to win black votes bypasses NAACP
FBI uneasy about plan to deregulate fast Net
Shackles loosened on U.S. intelligence Limits on agencies
Robert Fisk: A strange kind of freedom
Still No Lawyers
U.S. to inform GCC states on possible Iraq strike
Israeli military chief anxious to step up Gaza assault
Jordan Says Will Not Help U.S. in Iraq Campaign
No materials to build in Gaza
Civilian Casualties May Exact Toll in U.S. Public Relations
Look out, George!
Anti-Musharraf sentiments rising in Pakistan's Army
What Bush should do
Israel accused of 'racist ideology' with plan to prevent Arabs buying homes
Business as usual returns to Afghanistan
The dangerous repercussions of this silly spat among academics
Fear of reprisals saps crucial Kurdish support for US assault on Iraq
He's not the President, he's a very naughty boy
State land off limits to Arabs in Israel
Opium wars linked to assassination
Too late for their own good
SAS peace deal helps tame the warlords
New Afghan exodus looms
Afghan villagers hit by U.S. ask: Why us?
We're with Afghans for long haul: US
US to send more troops to Uruzgan: Pentagon
Canada sends military personnel to Afghanistan
How Bush firm used accounting scam
Bush acts on US scandals
Middle Eastern gulf separates EU and US
UN to debate US stand on war crimes court
Britain approves export of jet parts destined for Israel
Cash-for-reform plan as Middle East talks resume
'Jews-only' law sparks firestorm
Turkey's stalled government falls apart
Who is this al-Qaeda that everybody speaks of?
Arrogant Pentagon Crashing the Wedding Party
An Israeli officer's response to Bush

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